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Message date: 06/30/2009
Public Message: All human beings have access to a higher source of information than is commonly believed. Because you are one with god, you have access to the mind of god. In the past, access to this higher source has been the privilege of mystics and people who devoted their whole lives to cultivating this connection. The human race has reached a stage of evolution where this knowledge can be accessed with a little discipline and practice. This information is commonly thought of as intuition. Some people describe it as messages from angels and other labels, but now it is going to become an additional human sense in addition to the other five senses. Consider your own feelings about this level of information and if you have had experiences of intuition or foresight or coincidence. Look for it around you. You begin to see that people frequently use this level of information unconsciously. If you have been skeptical about this that is fine. But we are going to learn to use this for the benefit of our own lives.
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