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Message date: 10/25/2013
Regarding the radiation from nuclear power in Japan The dramas and crisis of the physical world are very compelling. We are attracted to them and they are attracted to us because of our own internal conflicts. We become fascinated with being scared and in danger because that is active in our unconscious. When uncomfortable or distressing events happen, we look for causes in the physical world. It is hard to accept that there is no power in the physical world. It seems very real and very convincing. It certainly appears that we are vulnerable to conditions in the world. Not many of us would stand in front of a speeding car or train and proclaim that the physical world has no effect. Not many of us would drink poison or deliberately allow a poisonous snake to bite us. Not many people would believe that a person could survive 30 minutes underwater. Our bodies are subject to our consciousness and if we believe in a kind of harm, then we are vulnerable to that kind of harm. If we remember that our body is an expression of our consciousness, then we have a whole different perspective. It is possible for a person to get cancer and to die of it. It does happen a lot. It is also possible to die without ever knowing one had cancer. Our life in the physical dimension is a journey. We move between living as first cause and living as victim to secondary cause. There is a spectrum which we move on all the time. Consider the possibility of living in an area that is highly radioactive. Is radioactivity first cause to the body? Of course not. Is it possible to be completely immune to the radioactivity? Of course it is. Is it wise to be totally dependent on being aligned with the truth in such a situation or should one be taking other measures as well? These are potent questions. The first question to ask and answer is, where do you want to put your focus? Do you want to be looking at the possibility of something wrong or do you want to be looking to deepen your experience with perfection? How much time do you want spend trying to cope with the physical world? You may recognize a fear that you will not be able to align yourself enough with the truth. Again, one must ask, what battle are you going to fight? Are you going to take on the imperfection of the physical world or are you going to take on your own refusal to trust? Your body and your ego and your humanity desperately wants to survive. It is an automatic reaction and doesn't even consider the quality of life. It just wants to be alive. One might ask oneself right now, what sort of life does one want? One where we are completely distracted by the dangers of the physical world and always trying to make ourselves safe? Or one where possibility, hope and surrender draws our focus to the invisible, to consciousness and first cause, and that is where we do our work? You will have noticed that there will have been times when you have surrendered deeply only to experience renewed efforts by the ego to reinstate control through fear and it seems as if you are going backwards. Imagine global consciousness evolving, moving to greater alignment with the truth, and the backlash of the global ego. There is no question that the global mind is turbulent. There are plenty of opportunities for drama and crisis. There is no difference between your own struggles with consciousness and struggles with the one global mind. But things can only work out perfectly. Perfection can be the only reality. You are not victims of any outside force. The future has not been determined. There is only this moment. There is only perfection, grace, beauty and love in this moment. They are the only powers. You are safe where you are.