Living with an open heart is at the forefront of many people's seeking and teaching. It is not always clear what this actually means on a day-to-day level or in a practical sense. The heart has both a symbolic existence as well as a very important physical existence and they are not linked by accident. As has been talked about previously, love is the building block of the physical universe. When one surrenders and lets go of control one enters into the realm of love. The heart is the greatest electromagnetic force in the body. It is the major interface between the invisible and visible realms, between the source of life and the experience of physical life. The language or energy of this interface is love, unconditional, unconditioned love. That love is always present; however, it is not always perceived or experienced by the individual. In most cases this is due to childhood experiences which led to closing off the heart from perception for fear of feeling extreme pain at the perceived loss of love. So living with an open heart refers to re-establishing the connection between the mind and the heart so that one is, once again, connected to the unconditional love of spirit and the flow of life. To re-establish this connection takes spiritual practice, self understanding, and a willingness to experience old pain and trauma, but it is the only path worth taking. One must train oneself to accept and practice the idea of unconditional love, for every time one judges oneself or another, one loses the connection with their heart. The mind is quick to act and shut down that connection until the fear of loss and annihilation is let go of, which can be a slow and lengthy process. But humans have free-will and ability to direct their mind; so, even in the worst of circumstances, can remember to be open and unconditionally loving. Any practice which reminds us to keep this in the forefront is valuable. The love we are seeking is in us always in every moment and never goes away. Remind yourself of that as often as you can. |