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Message date: 11/26/2010
There is much talk of gratitude and thanksgiving this time of year. It is very important to understand the true nature of gratitude and why it is so important to us in our daily lives and it is in our daily lives that we need to focus on gratitude, not just one or several times a year. It is understood in metaphysics and quantum physics that energy follows awareness. In other words, what we focus our attention on is what grows in our life. Simply by placing the focus of our awareness on something, it becomes bigger in our lives. There are many examples of this in all of our lives; it almost seems too simple to be true that if we focus on what we don't have we continue to not have it. If we focus on our pain we continue to have pain, and if we continue to focus on the good we have we have more good. But that focusing of our awareness on what is good is only part of the story. The deeper, more creative part of gratitude is the actual opening of our hearts to the wonder and awe that is the proper response to the amazing fact of our human incarnation. When we are fully in touch with the miracle that is life, we are truly at one with God or the universal creative source, and it is in those moments that we have unimaginable power to create. That is where gratitude becomes truly powerful in our lives. Experiencing the thankfulness for the miracle that our life is gives us the power to create beyond our wildest imagining. Make gratitude a priority in your life every day and every moment you possibly can.
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